Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tagged (or ragged??)

Beware you blogosapiens, for here I come. No fledgling-unfurling her wings in the wide panorama of Blogger world- but an old fogey whose only common trait with the hep and happening crowd out there is her love of writing. My entry into this rather fascinating, virtual world had been on the agenda for a while but like all good intents, had remained just that: an intention. However, an event last week changed things and catalysed them, so to say. My daughter ‘tagged’ me. First I had to understand the implications of what that meant, but once ‘educated’ I decided to do the needful i.e. pen eight random facts about myself.
So get ready to welcome the Ancient Mariner of the blog world and I promise I shall strive to justify the farewell-title that some misled juniors had bestowed upon me, at the Masters programme in BHU, all those summers ago……

“Age cannot wither nor custom stale
Your infinite variety” (though it may have made the Immortal Bard turn in his grave!)

I believe in the power of laughter-the exhilarating vigour, the therapeutic effect, the healing touch it provides cannot be equaled by any other remedy. I also like to look at the bright side of things and am tolerant of most people and situations. I take life one day at a time and am quite content to be what/who I am: I have no soaring ambitions to leave a blazing trail (which would-a la Belinda-‘amidst the stars inscribe my name’. Yes, I would love to leave an indelible impact on the lives I touch………….) To put it in a nutshell, my outlook on life can best be summarized as: I’m an avid subscriber of Stephen Ludlin’s Fish philosophy.

My creed is friendship and friends are my sheet anchor. I consider myself blessed in having forged some unshakeable bonds through school, college/hostel and work life- (Anjana, Rita, Pragna, Seema, Alka, Ameeta, Anindita, Nimmo, Ranjana, Nandini, Rekha, Suchitra, Nisheeta, Sharmila, Ruby, Anita, Alka (V) Smritikana would you agree??) I’m one with Yeats when he says;
“Think where man’s glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends.”

· Like all lesser mortals I too have a weakness for food-the difference being I not only savour different gastronomical delights but also enjoy creating stuff to tempt the palate. While Biryani and Chinese are my all time favourites (Banarsi langda mangoes and rasgullas would follow close behind.) any food tastes like sawdust in my mouth unless seasoned generously with green chillies. I’m as lost without them as I am without my glasses!!

· I love participating in activities and this enthusiasm has seen me through umpteen antaakshari competitions, Quizzes, Treasure hunts, team skits, fancy dress, poetry writing and what-have –you competitions with due gusto. Many a time-and to my great delight- I’ve won prizes and that has considerably added to the zeal of competing.

· If I’m sure of my facts I’m quick to bet, which means that I challenge people if I am (or think I am) sure of being factually correct. In the process, though I don’t lose princely sums (the benefit of not being born into royalty) or kingdoms-as some of our illustrious mythological ancestors did- I do end up losing a good number of chocolates and the dent in my pocket is tangible.

· I’m a very impatient person, in the sense that I absolutely hate having to wait. Added to the habit of punctuality, it can become a killing combination as I realize I have to wait almost everywhere, every time. With a family that consists of folks who compete for the world’s tardiest individuals, my sense of frustration keeps mounting by the day!! And sadly for me, so does my mobile bill, as I while away the tedium of waiting by needless sms es or redundant calls.

· I might forget where I put important papers or bills, or the maturing dates of annual maintenance contracts or insurance policies but what I never forget are the birthdays of those dear to me. Over the years several people have asked me how I remember all those dates; to them I reply simply, “It’s not that I remember, it’s that I can’t forget.” (You can figure that out for yourselves.)

· I love watching movies-especially suspense thrillers, rollicking comedies and old classics. The perfect holiday for me means curling up on my favourite chair and watching some ‘missed’ movie, with not a care in the world, no phones/doorbells to disturb and some crispy munchy conveniently located in the vicinity. Alternatively an absorbing whodunit (in a similar setting) also serves the purpose of transporting me to bliss.

Phew! That was quite something. I was also enlightened that I had to tag more people if I was to carry on the worthy tradition. Well I’m not sure who those chosen few will be or even whether I’m allowed to tag those who’re already tagged, so I guess I’ll first do my home work and then return to these hallowed pages………………….

……………..Suitably briefed, I now know that I cannot tag those already in the loop, therefore the mantle falls on Seema Nanda, Swati, Rajat and Nivi. Carry on the glorious tradition, o tagged mortals!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The India of My Dreams

I’m not a painter that I can paint the incredible natural beauty of my motherland; I’m no writer that I can weave a tapestry of words capturing my deep, abiding love for my country and I’m not a musician that I can sing paeans in praise of the proud heritage of my nation. I can only pour forth my emotions through this humble submission:
What will make my beloved country……………………
The India of my Dreams!
(With gratitude to Gurudev for his inspiration.)

T he day poverty is gone and the word ‘poor’
H as been expunged from our dictionaries,
E lders are honoured and child labour extinct

I s the India of my dreams; there’ll be
N o corruption or crime, no loss of life
D ue to base, venal motives.
I n check will be the burgeoning population
A nd employment for all a living reality…………

O n roads, safe driving will be the norm and no lives snuffed:
F elled like logs by killer buses –

M y dream India will be illuminated by hundred percent electricity
Y ellow bulbs glowing amid milky tubes………………

D rinking water in abundance and food in plenty
R oads – concrete – in the remotest hamlets
E ndless harmony among different faiths
A nd leaders who put country before self.
M edical facilities and education for all
S hall make this nation the beacon of the world!!
