Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The India of My Dreams

I’m not a painter that I can paint the incredible natural beauty of my motherland; I’m no writer that I can weave a tapestry of words capturing my deep, abiding love for my country and I’m not a musician that I can sing paeans in praise of the proud heritage of my nation. I can only pour forth my emotions through this humble submission:
What will make my beloved country……………………
The India of my Dreams!
(With gratitude to Gurudev for his inspiration.)

T he day poverty is gone and the word ‘poor’
H as been expunged from our dictionaries,
E lders are honoured and child labour extinct

I s the India of my dreams; there’ll be
N o corruption or crime, no loss of life
D ue to base, venal motives.
I n check will be the burgeoning population
A nd employment for all a living reality…………

O n roads, safe driving will be the norm and no lives snuffed:
F elled like logs by killer buses –

M y dream India will be illuminated by hundred percent electricity
Y ellow bulbs glowing amid milky tubes………………

D rinking water in abundance and food in plenty
R oads – concrete – in the remotest hamlets
E ndless harmony among different faiths
A nd leaders who put country before self.
M edical facilities and education for all
S hall make this nation the beacon of the world!!



Srishti said...

Beautiful and Poignant. You've echoed the feelings of every proud Indian.

Saagar said...

Wow Mamma. This is awesome stuff. I think sis has done a great job of describing it. Let's hope we see the India of our dreams in the near future.

By the way, shall I add a link to your blog on my blog?

vineeta said...

yes ofcourse.